
Welcome to Bournemouth and Poole College UCU.

The secret of union power is having a strong and active branch behind you. Building the strength and activity of your branch is the most important task for UCU workplace representatives; everything else flows from this.

Branch Secretary – Nicholas Jones- jonesn@bpc.ac.uk Lansdowne
Branch Representative-  Gillian Martin- marting2@bpc.ac.uk North Road and Lansdowne                                                                                                                                  Branch Representative- Ken Adams-Ardern- adamsk@bpc.ac.uk Lansdowne                                                                                                                                       Branch Representative, Martin Edwards- edwardsml@bpc.ac.uk Lansdowne                                                                                                                                         Branch Representative, Anne-Marie Moriarty- moriartya@bpc.ac.uk Lansdowne